
Aladin Saha Puduma Pahana – 2018

aladin saha puduma pahana movie Aladin Saha Puduma Pahana – 2018 MV5BNTU0NmM2NTktZjA1MC00NGU4LTgyMDQtMWE1ZWUyYjRkODNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMwOTc5MDg
Aladdin Saha Puduma Pahana (2018)
119 min|Drama, Family, Fantasy|26 Jul 2018
A handsome young man comes across a magical lamp that can grant all his wishes. But alas it also causes him sadness and endless troubles. A castle disappears and the young man devises a plan to restore it to its original place.

Aladin Saha Puduma Pahana (ඇලඩින් සහ පුදුම පහන) is an upcoming Sinhala fantasy thriller film directed by Sumith Kumara and produced by Prasad Wijesuriya. It stars Dhananjaya Siriwardane and Udari Warnakulasuriya in lead roles along with Nethu Priyangika and D.B. Gangodathenna. Music composed by Ruvin Diaz.It is the 1308th Sri Lankan film in the Sinhala cinema.


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