
Asai Man Piyabanna – 2007

Asai Man Piyabanna – 2007 MV5BYmU1MGY3MjEtZGQwYy00YTMwLThjYjktYWNlNTY1ZDU2OGRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMwOTc5MDg
Asai Man Piyabanna (2007)
173 min|Drama|01 Nov 2007
6.8Rating: 6.8 / 10 from 65 users
Ranmalee, a village girl talented in both music and dancing meets the son (Praveen) of a businessman who are on a visit to Ranmalee's village in search of a site to build their new hotel. Even though they had developed feelings fo...


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