Balto is a 1995 American animated adventure film directed by Simon Wells, produced by Amblin Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures. The film is loosely based on a true story about the dog of the same name who helped save children infected with diphtheria in the 1925 serum run to Nome. The film stars Kevin Bacon, Bridget Fonda, Jim Cummings, Phil Collins (in a dual role) and Bob Hoskins. Though primarily an animated film, there are live-action opening and closing sequences for the film that were shot in New York City’s Central Park and featured Miriam Margolyes.
The film was the third and final animated feature produced by Steven Spielberg’s UK-based Amblimation studio before it became DreamWorks Animation, which would later be acquired by Universal’s parent company NBCUniversal on August 22, 2016. Although the film was a major financial disappointment (it was overshadowed by the success of Disney and Pixar’s first computer-animated film Toy Story), and received mixed reviews from critics, its subsequent sales on home video led to two direct–to-video sequels: Balto II: Wolf Quest (2002) and Balto III: Wings of Change (2005), though none of the original voice cast reprised their roles.
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