
Garfield Bewitched – Sinhala Dubbed Movie

garfield bewitched sinhala dubbed movie download Garfield Bewitched – Sinhala Dubbed Movie MV5BYWJkODE3NjMtNTUzMi00MDg4LTk3NTYtZDEyZmU5OTFhYTBhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1NTQ5Nzcz
Bewitched - The Hall of Witchdom/Bewitched - Bewitched and Bewildered (2015)
13 min|Animation, Adventure, Comedy|17 Nov 2015
Garfield, along with Odie and Winona (as a frog) aid Abigail to acquire three magical items before Varicella does.

This is a list of characters in the Garfield comic strip, created by Jim Davis. It includes notable characters from the comic strip as well as cartoons, and movies centered on the Garfield character, and is organized by what medium they appeared in first.

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