Hotel Transylvania is an American animated media franchise created by comedy writer Todd Durham. It consists of four theatrical films, three graphic novels, and three short films produced by Sony Pictures Animation, as well as a flash-animated TV series broadcast on Disney Channel and several video games. The series consists of an ensemble cast, usually led by the voices of Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, and Selena Gomez.
The first film, Hotel Transylvania, was released in September 2012, with two sequels, Hotel Transylvania 2 and Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, were released in September 2015 and July 2018, respectively. The films have received mixed reviews from critics and grossed over $1.3 billion worldwide against a combined production budget of $245 million. A fourth and final installment tentatively titled Hotel Transylvania: Transformania is set to be released on October 1, 2021.
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