
Kolomba Sanniya – 1976

kolomba sanniya - 1976 Kolomba Sanniya – 1976 MV5BMDg0MDgyY2MtNTE0Yy00NzUxLWEyODctOGY1NTI3NGIzOGE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMwOTc5MDg
Kolomba Sanniya (1976)
N/A|Comedy|07 May 1976
8.7Rating: 8.7 / 10 from 39 users
Andare is a poor village man who comes across a blue sapphire in the jungle. He sells it and becomes a millionaire and moves to Colombo with his family. Hilarious things happen when they try to adapt themselves to life in Colombo ...

කොළඹ සන්නිය (1976) සම්පූර්ණ චිත්‍රපටය

Kolomba Sanniya (Colombo Mania) is a 1976 Sinhalese language comedy film directed by Manik Sandrasagara that follows the lives of middle and upper-class people in rural and urban Sri Lanka. The film stars Geetha Kumarasinghe, Joe Abeywickrema and Denewake Hamine are notable for containing the first depiction of best comedy in a Sinhala film.

Andare, (Joe Abeywickrema) a rustic villager finds a valuable gem when he goes behind a bush to perform his morning ablutions. (no toilets in the village) He sells the gem and buys a house in Colombo. The whole family, Andare’s elder sister (Denawaka Hamine), brother Jakolis (Eddie Jayamanne), son (Freddie Silva) and daughter (Geetha Kumarasinghe) try their best to get adjusted to the life of Colombo 7 – Cinnamon Gardens and as they find eventually, it is not an easy task.

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