DramaTV Show

Koombiyo – 2017

koombiyo 2017 watch online free Koombiyo – 2017 MV5BZTg4NThiZDktMGEwOS00NmRiLTgxNWMtYjNiNDk5OWU1MzkyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzk2MDE1MDg
Koombiyo (2017–2018)
20 min|Crime, Drama, Thriller|26 Aug 2017
9.0Rating: 9.0 / 10 from 17,644 users
35 year old bachelor Jehan and his partner in crime Priyantha try to exploit the loopholes in the law in order to make a living.


Koombiyo (English: Ants, ‘කූඹියෝ’) is a 2017 Sri Lankan crime thriller series. The show premiered on ITN on 26 August 2017 with 30 minutes episodes airing on Saturday and Sunday at 08:00 pm every week.


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