
Ozzy – 2016

ozzy - 2016 Ozzy – 2016 MV5BYTE0M2E4OWYtMTBiNS00NWM0LWI1NzYtYjU4ZDVhY2NkMGM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjMwODE4ODI
Ozzy (2016)
90 min|Animation, Adventure, Comedy|21 Apr 2017
5.2Rating: 5.2 / 10 from 2,623 users
When his family goes on vacation, a young dog finds himself at a dog prison where he must escape with the help of his new friends.

ඔසී (2016) සම්පූර්ණ චිත්‍රපටය

Ozzy, a friendly, peaceful beagle has his idyllic life turned upside down when the Martins leave on a long and distant trip. There’s only one problem: no dogs allowed! Unable to bring their beloved Ozzy along for the ride, they settle on the next best thing, a top-of-the-line canine spa called Blue Creek. This picture perfect place turns out to be a facade constructed by its villainous owner to capture dogs. Ozzy will soon end up in the real Blue Creek, a prison for dogs, run by dogs. Ozzy will have to avoid danger and find strength in his new friends, Chester, Fronky and Doc to escape the prison and return home safely. The narrative of ‘OZZY’ aims to follow in the footsteps of movies which employs Pixar-like quality and fun. ‘OZZY’ is an animated comedy-adventure movie targeted for kids of all ages and represents family entertainment at its best. The story itself is based, almost entirely, around dogs. ‘OZZY’ falls into the “prison movie” genre with funny tributes to the great prison.

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