
Parapura – 2014

parapura - 2014 Parapura – 2014 MV5BY2VkNmIyNWUtODIzMy00ZTZhLWFkYjItMzdmZmExODRiNjJiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjY2MTY4MTA
Parapura (2014)
N/A|Action, Drama, Thriller|N/A

පරපුර (2014) සම්පුර්ණ චිත්‍රපටය

Parapura is a 2014 Sri Lankan Sinhala action thriller film directed by Cletus Mendis and co-produced by Cletus Mendis himself with Basil Jayasuriya and Srimali Jayasuriya. It stars Jeevan Kumaratunga, Ravindra Randeniya and Sanath Gunathilake along with Ranjan Ramanayake, Nita Fernando and Buddhadasa Vithanarachchi.

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