
Paththini – 2016

paththini full movie online Paththini – 2016 MV5BZjI3ZmQ3OTItYjQ0Mi00YWZiLTgxOGUtODU2YzhlYmIyNDU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzE3MzU5NDE
Paththini (2016)
N/A|History, Romance|05 May 2016
7.2Rating: 7.2 / 10 from 277 users
Kannagi (Pooja) born in the Chola kingdom, one of the three kingdoms in South India around 1,500 years ago, is happily married to Kovalan (Uddika), a millionaire. Kovalan attends the crowning ceremony of the Chola dancing queen, P...

Paththini (පත්තිනි) is a 2016 Sinhala epic, drama, mystery film written and directed by Sunil Ariyarathna and produced by Dr. Milina Sumathipala, co-produced by Jagath Sumathipala and Thilanga Sumathipala on behalf of Sumathi Films. The film features Pooja Umashankar, and Uddika Premarathna in the leading roles while Ravindra Randeniya, Lucky Dias, Veena Jayakody, and Aruni Rajapaksha in supporting roles. The film starts its premiere on 5 May 2016 in EAP Circuit film halls.

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