
Punchi Andare – 2018

punchi andare - 2018 Punchi Andare – 2018 MV5BOWE1NTU4ZGUtMTBhMy00N2ZmLWJhZDctMzcxZGRkNWU4OTJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMwOTc5MDg
Punchi Andare (2018)
116 min|Comedy, Drama, Family|05 Apr 2018
7.4Rating: 7.4 / 10 from 8 users
A story about a kid who lives with his parents in a remote village.

පුංචි අන්දරේ (2018) සම්පූර්ණ චිත්‍රපටය

Punchi Andare (Little Andare), (Sinhalese: පුංචි අන්දරේ) is a 2018 Sri Lankan Sinhala children’s comedy film directed by veteran director Sumith Rohana Thiththawelgala and produced by Rajitha Swaris. The film stars child actor Praveen Katukithule with Mahendra Perera, Sathischandra Edirisinghe in lead roles along with W. Jayasiri and Maurine Charuni. The music is composed by Rohana Weerasinghe.

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