Rugrats Go Wild is a 2003 American animated crossover adventure film based on the Nickelodeon animated television series Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys. It is the third and final installment in the Rugrats film series and the second film in The Wild Thornberrys series. It takes place after the ninth season of Rugrats and the fifth season of The Wild Thornberrys. Christine Cavanaugh, the original voice of Chuckie Finster, was replaced by Nancy Cartwright.
The film was produced by Nickelodeon Movies and Klasky Csupo and released in theaters on June 13, 2003, by Paramount Pictures. Rugrats Go Wild was the least successful film in the Rugrats series, grossing $55.4 million worldwide and received negative reviews from critics. The film serves as the series finale for both Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys.
The film used “Odorama”, which allowed people to smell odors and aromas from the film using scratch and sniff cards (reminiscent of 1960s Smell-O-Vision).
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