
Stolen Princess- Sinhala Dubbed Movie

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The Stolen Princess (2018)
85 min|Animation, Comedy, Family|07 Mar 2018
6.0Rating: 6.0 / 10 from 2,943 users
A story from the age of valiant knights, beautiful princesses, and evil sorcerers. Ruslan, an artist who dreams of becoming a knight, meets and falls in love with the beautiful Mila, without realizing that she is the King's daughter.


The Stolen Princess is a 2018 Ukrainian 3D animated fantasy film directed by Oleg Malamuzh and based on the fairy tale Ruslan and Ludmila by Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin. The film premiere in Ukraine took place on March 7, 2018.

The film tells about a wandering artist Ruslan who saves princess Mila kidnapped by an evil sorcerer named Chornomor.

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