
Wariga Pojja -2014

wariga pojja 2014 Wariga Pojja -2014 MV5BNGRjODM1ZjEtODY1NC00NTU0LWFjYWEtZjhmZWNlMzA5NGQ1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI0NjIzMDI
Warigapojja (2014)
N/A|Adventure|21 Mar 2014

WarigaPojja is a 2014 Sri Lankan adventure film, directed by Thushara Thennakoon and produced by the Sri Lanka Women’s Development Services Cooperative Society Ltd.[1] It stars Nadeesha Nilukshi and Jagath Manuwarna in lead roles along with Somaweera Gamage and Nayana Hettiarachchi. Music composed by Dinesh Subasinghe.[2]

The screenplay was based on a short story, Warigaya, written by Nandasiri Gamage. The film is set in the Hanthana forest area around Kandy. Wariga Pojja depicts the journey of a Morana Wariga tribesman who must escape and rescue his tribe after the destruction of the village from malaria.[3]

Nandasir Gamage named all the financial contributors as producers of this film, numbering 80,000. Each contributed 100 lkr.,[4][5] This was the 1204 th movie of Sri Lankan Cinema[6]

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