
Dekala Purudu Kenek – 2018

dakala purudu kenek Dekala Purudu Kenek – 2018 MV5BMTQ4ODc0Mzg5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjgxNzU0MjE
The Strange Familiar (2014)
120 min|Drama|08 Mar 2019
8.2Rating: 8.2 / 10 from 71 users
Dinithi tries very hard to communicate with her husband, but he ignores her presence relentlessly. The harder she tries to reach him, the deeper his silence becomes. Their 8 year old daughter watches them. Her parents try to get i...

Dekala Purudu Kenek (The Strange Familiar) (දැකල පුරුදු කෙනෙක්) is a 2019 Sri Lankan Sinhala drama film directed by Malith Hegoda and co-produced by director himself with Lal Hegoda. It stars Bimal Jayakodiand Samadhi Laksiri in lead roles along with Jagath Manuwarna and Kaushalya Fernando. Music composed by Ruwan Walpola. It is the 1324th Sri Lankan film in the Sinhala cinema.

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