
Age Asa Aga (Let Her Cry) – 2015

let her cry movie online Age Asa Aga (Let Her Cry) – 2015 MV5BOTIzZGVlNTAtMzQzMi00YjMxLWE2OTItNWExYzJiYjM4YjlmL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjYzMDA4MTI
Let Her Cry (2015)
N/A|Drama|12 May 2016
6.2Rating: 6.2 / 10 from 136 users
Explore the aftermath of an affair and a very unusual relationship and interactions between a professor, his paramour, and his family.

Let Her Cry (Sinhala: ඇගේ ඇස අග) is a 2016 Sri Lankan Sinhala romantic drama film directed by Asoka Handagama and produced by Asoka Jagath Wijenayake.  It stars Swarna Mallawarachchi, Dritimen Chaterji, Sandali Ash and Rithika Kodithuvakku.  Music for the film is done by Chitral Somapala. The movie was screened in November 2015 at the Kolkata International Film Festival.

The film is available to stream on Netflix with a variety of subtitles in 39 countries. The Film won many local awards in Sri Lanka including best film, best director, and best actress.

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