Paddington 2 is a 2017 live-action animated comedy film directed by Paul King and written by King and Simon Farnaby. Based on the stories of Paddington Bear, created by Michael Bond (to whom the film is also dedicated, he had died that year), it is the sequel to Paddington (2014), and is produced by Heyday Films and StudioCanal UK. The film, a British-French co-production, stars Ben Whishaw as the voice of Paddington, with Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Brendan Gleeson, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi, and Hugh Grant in live-action roles. In the film, Paddington tries to get a present for his aunt’s birthday, but when the gift is stolen he is wrongly arrested and imprisoned for the theft, he and his family have to find the real culprit and prove Paddington’s innocence.
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