
The Sea Beast 2022 – Sinhala Dubbed Movie

the sea beast The Sea Beast 2022 – Sinhala Dubbed Movie MV5BODkyYTRlMDItMDlhMC00MzkzLWI3NzQtOGVlMjdjYThlNDM3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1OTcyNDQ4
The Sea Beast (2022)
115 min|Animation, Action, Adventure|08 Jul 2022
7.0Rating: 7.0 / 10 from 58,790 users
When a young girl stows away on the ship of a legendary sea monster hunter, they launch an epic journey into uncharted waters - and make history to boot.


The Sea Beast is a 2022 computer-animated adventure film directed by Chris Williams, who co-wrote the screenplay with Nell Benjamin and produced with Jed Schlanger. The film stars the voices of Karl Urban, Zaris-Angel Hator, Jared Harris, and Marianne Jean-Baptiste. It tells the story of a sea monster hunter and a young orphan girl who joins his group of sea monster hunters on their search for the elusive Red Bluster.

The film began a limited theatrical release on June 24, 2022, before debuting on Netflix on July 8. It received positive reviews from critics and became the most successful animated film from Netflix, with 165 million hours viewed.[3] In 2023, it was announced that a sequel was in the works.


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