
Paangshu – 2020

paangshu sinhala movie download Paangshu – 2020 MV5BYjZlOTAzYjAtNzJkYS00MzA4LWI0MzEtZWIzMWJkYzJkMzIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMwOTc5MDg
Earth (2018)
86 min|Drama|21 Aug 2020
8.2Rating: 8.2 / 10 from 68 users
In a dilapidated rural courthouse a mother seeks justice for her son abducted by paramilitary men during the 1988/89 insurgency in Sri Lanka.


Paangshu (පාංශු; The Soil) is a 2020 Sri Lankan Sinhalese drama film directed by Visakesa Chandrasekaram and co-produced by Havelock Arts studios and TVT. It stars Nita Fernando and Nadee Kammellaweera in lead roles along with Jagath Manuwarna and Nilmini Buwaneka in supportive roles. Music composed by Chinthaka Jayakody.

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